Sunday, March 28, 2004

New Novel Set on Peaks Island

Irish writer John Connolly (most famous for his Charlie Parker detective novels) has just released Bad Men, set on 'Dutch Island' (aka 'Sanctuary') Maine. Bad Men features a cameo by Parker.

According to Connolly, "While researching Bad Men, my new book, I spent some time out on Peaks Island, which lies in Casco Bay, just east of Portland, Maine. I wanted to set Bad Men in an enclosed, isolated community, and an island seemed like the best bet, but I had no idea just how much material Peaks would yield"

See the rest of John's comments on his website

Also check out this Press Herald Story

I ordered the book today, and will post a review after I have a chance read it.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

While You Were Out visits Peaks Island

Here's a Working Waterfront article. Here's an Around Maine article.

Steve reports that the room is basically unchanged, minus the chair covers. The infamous macaroni mirror is still there, and "looks better than you'd think."